As Published

Heinz Minestrone Soup 400g from Sainsburys

Nutrition Table

Per 100gPer 1/2 can
Energy - kJ135kJ271kJ
- kcal (Calories)32kcal63kcal
Protein 1.0g2.1g
Carbohydrate 6.2g12.4g
(of which sugars)(1.8g)(3.6g)
Fat 0.2g0.3g
(of which saturates)(Trace)(Trace)
Fibre 0.8g1.7g
Sodium 0.2g0.5g
Salt equivalent 0.6g1.2g


  1. Water
  2. Tomatoes (23%)
  3. Carrots
  4. Pasta Noodles (7%
  5. Water
  6. Durum Wheat Semolina
  7. Egg White)
  8. Onions
  9. Peas
  10. Swede
  11. Red Peppers
  12. Potatoes
  13. Haricot Beans
  14. Cornflour
  15. Modified Cornflour
  16. Leeks
  17. Salt
  18. Flavouring (contains Celery
  19. Celeriac)
  20. Yeast Extract
  21. Herbs
  22. Black Pepper
  23. Vegetables: 23%
Price: £0.95
Heinz Minestrone Soup 400g can be purchased from Sainsburys for as little as 0.95 per pack. We acquired this information from Sainsburys on 2015-05-20T12:21:23Z. Amongst our current users, Heinz Minestrone Soup 400g has a low popularlity. A typical portions is per 1/2 can

Calories : 32.27 kcal per 100g
Sugar : 1.80 g per 100g
Salt : 0 g per 100g
Fat : 0.20 g per 100g

This information was obtained from:
Organisation SainsburysSainsburys
Date 2015-05-20T12:21:23Z
Source link to source of data


Show details

Maximum Daily Intake


The Estimated Average Requirement for Energy (a prescribed amount to maintain a healthy body weight) for a male age: 75+ is 2294 kcal 1 (p.83-85)


The World Health Organisation (W.H.O.) recommends that the maximum proportion of energy from all sugars (intrinsic and added) is: 5% and a strong recommendation of an absolute maximum of 10%

The energy value of a gram of Sugar is 3.8 kcal.1 (p.93)

W.H.O. Recommended maximum sugar intake for age: 75+ and sex:male is
5% x 2294 / 3.8 = 30.2g of Sugar per day
7.6 cubes .

and the Absolute maximum is 60.4g of Sugar per day.

Nb. The W.H.O2 recommendations for maximum sugar intake are considerably lower than those of the NHS3.

Salt and Sodium

"Most salt in the diet does not come from addition to food in the home by consumers but from processed foods. This makes it extremely difficult for individuals to reduce their own salt intake and to maintain a reduced intake over any length of time."Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition4
"6g is higher than the Reference Nutrient Intake (RNI) and substantially greater than the salt intake required to maintain the sodium content of the body"4
Reference Nutrient Intake / required for age:15+ is 4g salt (1.6g Sodium). Daily target average is 6g salt


  1. The 2011 report by the UK Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition on Dietary Reference Values for Energy, available here
  2. The World Health Organisation Guideline for sugar intake in adults and children 2015. available here
  3. NHS Recommendations on Sugar Intake
  4. SACN report on Salt and Health 2003 (p2)

Other Sources

Portion size


16.135kcal energy in a portion of 50g/ml
1% of the UK Guideline energy intake (2294 kcal).1


0.9g of sugar in a portion of 50g/ml
Equivalent to: 0.23 x 4g cubes
3% of the W.H.O. 2015 Guideline maximum daily sugar intake for age: 75+ is 30.2g2


0.3g of salt in a portion of 50g/ml
5% of the UK Guideline Maximum for Salt intake for age: 75+ is 6g1
